Lesson 1: Personal Revelation of Jesus as “The Christ”

The foundation of our Christian faith is based on a personal experience that permeates every aspect of our lives. It is life-changing and life giving such as no other experience in our lives. It is an experience that, not only affects this life, but continues beyond for all eternity. When put in this context, we can see how important it is to receive Jesus as saviour after we have been drawn by His Spirit (not just to say a prayer). This experience is vital and personal to each believer. Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form (mankind in our state of sin), and void;(without purpose or direction, unfulfilled); and darkness was upon the face of the deep (we could not see , we were in darkness ). And the Spirit of God moved“. He calls us and takes us to a place where we can answer. 

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Lesson 2: Relationship through Repentance and the Blood of Jesus