Lesson 4: The Word of God – Our Sovereign Authority: Part 1

Our need for the Word of God (Holy Bible) cannot be overstated. Simply put, without the Word of God, we do not have a relationship with our Lord. Our relationship, and all life, begins with the Word and ends with the Word. Righteousness is obedience to the Word and sin is disobedience to the Word. The Word is our instruction manual for God’s plan for our lives. The purpose of God’s plan, sending His Son Jesus Christ to mankind, is to restore the Word of God in our lives. The Word must be sown in the heart of every believer. The Word is our source of life. Everything else in our Christian walk flows from the Word of God. These are all bold statements and we will look further into all these statements as we go through this lesson. But first let us establish some fundamental truths concerning the Sovereign nature of the Word of God. Psalm 33:6 “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”

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Lesson 3: Water Baptism Unto Death and Resurrection Life


Lesson 5: The Word of God – Our Sovereign Authority: Part 2